- Technical communication
- End user documentation
- * User and maintenance manuals
- * Training documentation
- * Online helps and tutorials
- * API Writing and troubleshooting
- * Data sheets
- Traditional technical documentation
- * Specifications and technical documentation
- * CE Mark documentation
- * Publications
- Marketing communication
- * Product catalogs and brochures
- Web CMS and tools
- Other activities/services
- About us
- Contacts
Web documents, CMS and tools
You need your documents and contents always accessible on line?
Step 1 - Realisation and improvement/adapting of your documents
Most of our customers correct their current documents, improving and adapting the contents making them relevant and easily accessible/approachable for the intended audience.
Step 2 - Realisation of your website with restricted access levels
We take information about your targets, audience that will use your technical documents and we structure the content into a framework that is web oriented.
Step 3 - Providing of usernames and passwords to assure several levels of accesses
At the end we will provide you final solution and accesses for all users levels.
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Our other projects
We are involved in other projects that are already on line:
Diffuse or collect fair information even if you can not be there
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Investments and outsourcing - Advantages of the chinese market in the middle of Europe
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On line helps and tutorials
We are creating user oriented deliverables
We are using new technologies media!
Online help is topic-oriented, procedural or reference information delivered through computer software. It is another form of user assistance. Most online help is designed to give assistance in the use of a software application or operating system, but can also be used to present information on a broad range of subjects.
For example, if the workers in a bank were not properly posting deposits to accounts, someone would write the procedure so these workers might have the correct procedure. Similarly, a sales manager might wonder which of two sites would be a more appropriate choice for a new store, so he would ask someone to study the market and write a report with the recommendations. The sales manager would distribute the report to all parties involved in making that decision. In each of these instances, the person who is writing is transferring knowledge from the person who knows to the person who needs to know.
Online help is created using help authoring tools.
A Help Authoring Tools (HAT) obtain their source text either by importing it from a file produced by another program, or by allowing the author to create the text within the tool by using an editor. File formats that can be imported vary from HAT to HAT, though they can include such formats as ASCII, HTML, OpenOffice Writer and Microsoft Word, and compiled Help formats such as Microsoft WinHelp and Microsoft Compressed HTML Help.
The output from a HAT can be either a compiled Help file in a format such as WinHelp (*.HLP) or Microsoft Compiled HTML Help (*.CHM), or noncompiled file formats such as Adobe PDF, XML, HTML or JavaHelp.
Our short presentation:
Download presentation of our activities in PDF format.
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Story of a customer:
This is the story of one of our customers.
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The last news:
15/04/2011 Turkey - We have just concluded user and maintenance manuals for a big industrial plantMaterial handling lines, 1600 pages of texts and drawings, 100 photos, 60 video files - languages: Italian, English and Turkish
25/04/2011 Finland - We have just concluded user and maintenance manuals for a parcel sorting centerParcel sorting system, 900 pages of texts and drawings, 70 photos, 40 video files - languages: English and Suomi
10/05/2011 France - We have just concluded user and maintenance manuals for a material handling linesMaterial handling lines, 1100 pages of texts and drawings, 80 photos, 50 video files - languages: English and French
20/05/2011 Shanghai - We have just concluded user and maintenance manuals for a big parcel sorting centerParcel sorting system, 2000 pages of texts and drawings, 120 photos, 80 video files - languages: English and Mandarin Chinese
Example of a website:
Click below to see an example of how we made a restricted access website for one of our customers.
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About us
We are a company of young specialists in different areas that share their ambition to work in a different way...

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Area for our customers
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